Medical science always relies on technology to promote research and development of new techniques and methods. So here comes a breathtaking advance that has been in our scientific and technological field, so thanks to almighty for continuously developing technology in the medical field as a result of which mankind are saved and quality of life has improved.

As monkeys are genetically similar to humans it is possible that such experiments will surely succeed. This technique involves the injection of human embryonic stem cells into monkeys. This is made possible by adding a set of human cells and it can transform them directly to the nerve cells so with further research and development this fundamental technique may lead to stroke treatment mainly as it is the third leading cause of death. This was told by Olle Lind wall. The same idea of transplantation was observed recently in another category of organisms- the rats.
Stroke afflicted rats were tried to cure using this advanced method in the medical field.
Reprogrammed human skin cells were converted to nerve cells and later transplanted into the cerebral cortex of the brain of a rat, which is most damaged after a stroke. This, in fact, was done with the aim of restoring the mobility and sensation of touch in stroke-afflicted rats. However, it was unexpectedly observed that the transplanted cell affected more on the opposite side of the brain where no connection was done. This was something that worried the scientists and remains unexplained.
This assures us with confidence for the treatment of stroke. Many professional including scientists, biotechnologists, engineers and specialists in regenerative medicine are effortlessly trying to develop techniques for purpose of regeneration for many neurological conditions. Studies are also going to see how the transplanted cells affect intellectual function such as memory, reasoning, body balance etc.
Let us hope that this method will surely be improved by using new scientific research so as to facilitate the application in humans too. Since science is springing up everywhere to uplift mankind health but we should have an eye on to eradicate the possible side effects too.
– Keerthana Joshi