Majestic Look Of Our Galactic Center

Majestic Look Of Our Galactic Center

What’s the colour of the centre of our galaxy..? In what colour does it glow??

Green?? Blue?? Yellow?? Orange?? Or Red??

Oh no, it’s not a piece of flower or leaf. This must be kidding us all… Yeah, this gigantic and magnificent portion has all spectrum of light.

This region is home for many galactic superheroes which includes numerous neutron stars, black holes, white dwarfs.

uh-oh, We missed an ineludible guy. Isn’t? Yeah our mind-boggling giant black hole, Sagittarius A*.   The majestic look of Sagittarius A* at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy makes it more elegant. Our sun,  other stars and many other black holes are spending its whole lifetime by revolving around this fabulous Giant.

Now, look at the image. Where is our hero? Can you guess??

Okay, for that first, you need to know the light spectrum in the image. The green and blue colour are from Chandra observatory. So, they must be X-ray. But, then what is the red colour in most regions?? Simple, they represent the radio data from MeerKAT telescope in South Africa.  Now you might have spotted the hero. Yep, Just on the right of the colourful central region lies the Sagittarius A* (Sag A*), a strong radio source that coincides with Sag A*. The bizarre filaments and hot gases are observable on the left side of this Guy. We are blessed to have a giant telescope in our Earth; The Event Horizon Telescope. It is this telescope array, which recently gave us the image of our Majestic Black hole Sag A*.


Image credit: X-Ray:NASA/CXC/UMass/D. Wang et al.; Radio:NRF/SARAO/MeerKAT
