Recent research suggests that water on Mars is buried with minerals beneath the surface. Mars is a planet in the Solar System. This is the fourth sphere from the Sun. Mars is the 2nd smallest planet in the solar system next to Mercury. The distance between the Earth and Mars is 546 crore km. Mars, thought to have formed about 4.6 billion years ago, is the second closest planet to Earth in the Solar System.
Scientists believe that creatures like those on the Earth may have lived here at one time and that the creatures that lived there may have become extinct due to the extinction of the atmosphere. Adding to this, we now also know about the rock formations on Mars, including the evidence for the existence of currents through the various studies done on Mars. Due to this, various countries of the world are now actively trying to explore Mars.

Indian scientists have discovered with a computer-based study that the solar wind may have been responsible for the loss of Mars’ atmosphere (atmosphere) at this point. Water from the surface of Mars is said to have been attracted to space due to low gravity.
But a new study by NASA says Mars water is nowhere to be found, trapped inside the minerals beneath the surface of Mars. Eva Scheller, the lead author of the new study, said: -The crust is what we call hydrated minerals, hence the minerals that actually contain water in their crystalline structure. Through their research on Mars and meteorites on the planet, the study team focused on hydrogen, the main component of water. There are different types of hydrogen atoms. Most of them contain only one proton in their nucleus, but only a small fraction, about 0.02 percent, contains both proton and neutron, making them heavier. These are called deuterium or “heavy” hydrogen.
As the lighter type escapes the planet’s atmosphere at a faster rate, the loss of water into space will leave relatively much deuterium. He said the current deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio cannot be explained by atmospheric loss alone.
You can also have a look at our previous article: THE ’GLOWING’ DUST STORMS ON MARS