Inquiring giant exoplanets

Inquiring giant exoplanets

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS) has discovered 67522 b-the youngest hot Jupiter found so far. It has predominantly gas and orbit around a star similar to the Sun.
The word ‘planets’ in Greek refers to wanderers. These objects are revolving around stars without radiating energy and they should be greater than 1000 km across. Also, they have enough mass for gravitational collapse and finally get the spherical shape, due to their own gravity. Mostly, those bodies that have these qualities are classified as planets. There are planets that are ten times more massive than the Earth and have gases or rocks as major components. These planets are ‘giant planets’ and these being outside our solar system, they are exoplanets as well. The most widely used method to find such planets is the transit method.

hot Jupiter

Hot Jupiters are exoplanets similar to the size of Jupiter. They are very near to the stars having a high surface temperature. They are gaseous and have orbital period of less than 10 days.

67522b orbits around a star that is 17 million years old. This implies that our hot Jupiter is also a few million years old. Most of the hot Jupiters found are of the age of billions of years. It takes only a week to complete its revolution around its star, which indicates that it is at a closer distance to the star.
There are lot of hypotheses on how giant planets revolve in such proximity to stars. One such hypothesis is that they revolve at the orbital plane where it is formed. But none of these are established.


Read a similar article- TESS and Spitzer Discovered a Neptune like exoplanet
