Spectacular Clusters In One Frame

Spectacular Clusters In One Frame

Are you a stargazer? Have you fixed your eyes on a strange patch of the sky and ever felt that it was becoming different after some time? Then probably you had seen the Pleiades and Hyades Star Clusters. 

The blue patch near the top of the image shown above is the Pleiades Cluster. This open star cluster which contains the stars of Taurus constellation is also known as the Seven Sisters or Messier 45. It can be seen from the North pole and southernmost part of South America. 

On the upper left of the image, you can spot the Hyades Star Cluster surrounding the Aldebaran Star. Located about 153 light-years away from the Sun, Hyades is also an open star cluster which is also part of Taurus. It’s brightest stars forms a V-shape along with the brightest Aldebaran star.

Towards the bottom of the image, we find the Eridanus loop, the superbubble located towards the west of the Orion Nebula. It is the superbubble nearest to the Local Bubble containing the Sun.

– Sraddha Suresh

Image Credit : Hirofumi Okubo
