Is Solar Cycle 25 about to break the trend?

Is Solar Cycle 25 about to break the trend?

The Sun being the heart of the solar system, everyone in the Universe is gazing to know about the brand new Solar Cycle. A team of scientists from NASA and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) had declared the beginning of a new solar cycle. December 2019 marked the onset of Solar Cycle 25.


The Solar cycle follows a duration of 11 years. In accordance with the activity and the number of Sunspots detected on the Sun, it’s termed as Maxima or Minima. Sunspots are the darker and cooler areas formed in strong magnetic activity areas on the Sun’s surface. Initially the sunspots are found at high latitudes. Later we can find it at the equator.

Determination Of Solar Cycles

Sunspots play a vital role in the determination of the solar cycle. At every cycle magnetic poles of the Sun will get reversed. In reality each cycle starts when the Sun is at the possible minima phase. Six to eight months data are collected to confirm whether the Sun is at its minima phase.

Devices or Models Used:

A panel of experts from all around the world evaluates and releases the perfect model to develop solar cycle predictions.

  1. In ancient times Telescopes recorded the Sunspots on the surface.
  2. In recent decades NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory Satellites provides the data.
  3. Oscillations of the Sun help to study the dynamics and structure of it through Helioseismology. Also the determination of accurate speed of plasma flow is possible.
  4. The Polar Magnetic Field Model: The model interprets the behaviour of the next cycle with the Sun’s magnetic field strength at the poles. If the magnetic field gets strong during solar minima, then the next cycle will be stronger. And if it’s diminished, then the cycle will be a weaker one.
  5. Solar Clock: It is like a typical clock which describes an eleven year cycle in 12 hours.

From Solar Cycle 24 to Solar Cycle 25

The duration of Solar Cycle 24 was from December 2008 to December 2019. It was one of the weakest cycles in 100 years. Sunspots were absent for 281 days in 2019 and 181 days in 2020. Later an increase in the solar activity referred to the beginning of a new cycle.

Scientists expect that the Solar Cycle 25 will resemble the intensity of the previous cycle. Eventhough the Cycle 25 is a weak one,there exists chances for extreme solar eruptions, space weather etc. In April 2014, the highest number of sunspots (solar maxima) for solar cycle 24 was 114. Scientists suggest that the highest number of sunspots for cycle 25 observed in July 2025 will be 115. According to Lisa Upton, Solar physicist at Space Systems Research Corporation in Colorado, the new cycle is going to break the trend of weakening solar activity over the past four cycles (Solar Cycles 21-24).

Impacts Of Solar Cycle

Evidently Solar activity has effects on the life and technology on Earth as well as Astronauts in space. Some of the instances are:

  • When Coronal Mass Ejection (CME- large discharge of magnetic field and plasma from Sun’s corona) comes into Earth’s surface, Ethereal Auroras (charged particles from Sun excites the air molecules of Earth when it strikes. As they calm down these molecules give away lights onto the sky) comes into action.
  • CME’s interfere with power grids causes electric shortages.
  • In addition CME’s cause a great effect on space weather (geomagnetic storms, radio blackouts, solar radiation storms).
  • During the spacewalk outside the Earth’s protective layer, Astronauts have to face enormous radiations that eventually cause health issues.
  • The immense activity of the Sun will affect GPS, spacecraft as well as the life of the Satellites.

Keep your face to the Sun and you will never see the shadows.

Helen Keller

Let us look forward to whose predictions about Solar Cycle 25 will be a feather in their cap.

Reference: NASA

Read an interesting article about Sun – SOLAR ORBITER: GETTING CLOSER TO THE SUN
