Synthetic Lethality applies again..!

Synthetic Lethality applies again..!

Synthetic lethality occurs when two genes at the same time get disturbed and result in cellular death. Neoplasm refers to an excessive or abnormal growth of tissue. Not all neoplasms are harmful, but when they are, we call it cancer. The growth of this neoplasm is known as Neoplasia. Since neoplasia at its origin must acquire genomic mutation, there comes wide mark application to elucidate the mechanism of action of drug especially for developing anticancer drugs. Studies based on synthetic lethality had its application in yeast cells and human cells also. This application has its importance in identifying gene function, drug action etc. It also identifies the latest strategy for large scale mapping of synthetic lethality in human cells which brings us closer to the generation of various human genetics mappings. The principle underlying the synthetic lethality involves buffering.

The proceedings of national academy of science and many other institutions reported that inhibiting a key enzyme associated with two major types of breast and ovarian cancer to die and this was conducted in the mouse which showed reduced tumour growth. Research under Richard D kolodner PhD, used saccharomyces cerevisiae, a species of yeast used in basic research to study the synthetic lethality relationship. When they blocked the function of FEN1 using small molecule inhibitor, BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutant cancer cell lines were killed. Normal cells were able to recover from FEN1 inhibitor. BRCA1 & BRCA2 gene therapy helps to prevent breast and ovarian cancer, but when mutated they tend to express cell division. Hence people with gene mutations fall under the high risk category of neoplasia.

Richard D Kolodner image

Kolodner and colleagues then tested approach in immune compromised mouse xenograft model and found that FEN1 inhibitors reduces tumor growth. Finally researchers concluded that they underline the values of using S.cerevisiae yeast as a genetic tool for discovering synthetic lethality relationship and also in identifying FEN1 inhibitors as therapeutic agents for treating certain types of cancers with targeted vulnerabilities.

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